Master Control Unit (MCU)
Thunderstruck's Dilithium Design Master Control Unit (MCU) is our newest offering for the DIY EV enthusiast. Combining features from our BMSC, EVCC, and Dilithium Display, this device controls battery management, charging, and display functions from a single platform. It has multiple programmable inputs and outputs and two CANbus interfaces. The MCU is compatible with J1772 Type 1 and Type 2 EV Supply Equipment (EVSE).
The MCU requires BMS satellites for cell measurement. This supports a flexible distributed pack design. The MCU provides two IsoSPI interfaces for connecting multiple 24-cell or 18-cell satellites, with capacity for handling packs with up to 288 cells.
The standard EV system using the MCU includes our TSM2500 charger(s), Dilithium Design Display (with current sensor) and Dilithium BMS 24-cell or 18-cell satellite units for cell measurement. Please select a test board (above) to match your satellites.
The MCU also supports A123 Systems battery modules with pouch cells and MBB interfaces found in some retired heavy vehicles. Thunderstruck occasionally sells these modules. For this application, BMS Satellites and the Harness Test Board are not required.
- Serial Cable is required for system initialization and custom configuration (included if selected above)
- BMS harness test board is required for satellite installation - see the BMS Satellite page
- The MCU case is a 4.1 x 2.65 x 1.1 inch plastic enclosure with mounting flanges
Feature List
- Original BMSC and EVCC features including cell balancing and reporting, thermistor reporting and charge control
- J1772 support with auto-start. Compatible with J1772 Type 1 and Type 2 EVSEs
- "ChargeMo" DC Fast Charging
- Controls up to 4 Thunderstruck Chargers for high-speed charging
- Hall sensor input for current counting SOC reporting to Dilithium or analog display
- User configurable parameters via text-based freeware user interface
- Canbus control for Dilithium Design Display, Curtis Engage II, Speedhut
- Five programmable inputs and five programmable outputs - useful for sending and receiving status alerts
- 12v switched output for controlling an external device such as powered battery packs and relays
- PWM Output for driving resistive sensor analog fuel gauges
- Two independent canbus networks configurable for 250 kbps or 500 kbps baud rates
- Two IsoSPI networks for Dilithium BMS satellites - measures up to 288 cells
- CANOpen and OBDII Support
Cell Harness Testing * essential install procedures *
Serial Port Utilities Installation
User Interface Software
PC only Software (Putty) - this is a download from ThunderStruck's Google drive
Mac or PC Software (Coolterm) - this link allows you to chose the download designed for your computer system
- Master Control Unit with integrated BMS, Charge and Display controllers
- Connectors (4, 5, 8 and 10 pin Harting)
- Wire release tool for connectors
- Low voltage wiring (4' lengths, various colors)
- 12v Light/Buzzer (for operator alert)
- 120 Ohm canbus termination resistor
- Harness Test Board (only if option is selected)
Does not include BMS Satellites, which are required for measuring cells.
- 3" touch screen graphical at-a-glance battery status and SOC display – MCU canbus controlled
- 2.25" 5-mode digital battery status plus SOC display – MCU canbus controlled
- Hall type, for MCU display features - 420, 500 and 1000 amp current ranges (output to the Dilithium Display)
- BMS Satellite units with either 2x12 or 1x18 cell groups for a wide range of cells and modules
- Required for testing BMSS cell harnesses before final connection (smoke prevention)
- Used OEM modules with integrated BMS satellite units. Simple MCU hookup via canbus.
- MCU controls one to four TSM chargers over canbus for custom charging solutions
- Connects to MCU and charger for EVSE source control and connection safety